Pigeons are common urban pests that can often be found nesting under the roof eaves of buildings. Not only can they create a mess with their droppings, but they can also cause damage to the structure of your home. If you’re facing an issue with pigeons taking up residence under your roof eaves, here are some effective ways to prevent them from making your property their nesting ground.
1. Install bird spikes or bird netting
One of the most effective ways to deter pigeons from nesting under your roof eaves is by installing bird spikes or bird netting. Bird spikes are narrow strips with pointed ends that can be attached to the edges of your roof eaves, making it difficult for pigeons to perch or land. Bird netting, on the other hand, is a more comprehensive solution that involves covering the entire area under your roof eaves with a mesh netting. Both options create physical barriers, making it impossible for pigeons to comfortably settle in these spaces.
2. Seal off entry points
Pigeons usually access the area under your roof eaves through small gaps or holes in the structure. Therefore, it is essential to identify and seal off these entry points to prevent them from getting in. Inspect your roof thoroughly and seal any gaps, cracks, or holes using appropriate materials such as caulking, wire mesh, or sheet metal. By eliminating their means of entry, you can effectively discourage pigeons from living under your roof eaves.
3. Use visual deterrents
Pigeons are intelligent birds, and using visual deterrents can often be a successful tactic to deter them from settling in your roof eaves. You can hang reflective objects or use scare devices such as shiny tape or wind chimes to create a visual disturbance that pigeons find uncomfortable or threatening. Installing a fake predator like a plastic owl or a hawk can also be an effective deterrent, as pigeons perceive them as a threat and will avoid the area.
4. Install motion-activated sprinklers
Motion-activated sprinklers can be a great solution to prevent pigeons from roosting under your roof eaves. These sprinklers are equipped with motion sensors that detect the presence of pigeons and automatically activate a burst of water. The sudden spray of water startles the birds and discourages them from returning to the area. This method is humane and effective in deterring pigeons from nesting under your roof eaves.
5. Regular maintenance and cleaning
Regular roof maintenance is essential in preventing pigeons from making your property their home. Pigeons are attracted to food sources, so make sure to remove any food debris or garbage from your roof. Additionally, prune any trees or vegetation near your eaves to minimize shelter and roosting opportunities for the birds. By maintaining a clean and unattractive environment, you can discourage pigeons from choosing your roof eaves as their nesting spot.
Pigeons nesting under your roof eaves can be a nuisance and potentially cause damage to your property. However, with the right preventive measures, you can effectively deter pigeons from making your roof their home. By installing bird spikes or netting, sealing off entry points, using visual deterrents, installing motion-activated sprinklers, and maintaining a clean environment, you can successfully prevent pigeons from living under your roof eaves.
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Manada Roofing Inc. was established in July of 2001 and has over 30 years of roofing experience. We provide a high level of expertise in the installation of composition shingles, standing seam metal, stone-coated steel, tile, and slate roofs. Although we are based in Alameda County, our services are rendered all across the Bay Area. Our roofing crew is composed of 20 employees, which are reamed up into specialized groups to complete the job in a timely and competent manner. Through exceptional quality work, we are able to provide outstanding customer service to all our past and present customers. Contact us today to learn more about what we can do for you!